Thursday, August 19, 2010

Small Trout and Big Thunderstorms

The clouds were threatening rain to the northeast but the forecast read that it would be clear for the rest of the evening. I tied my rain jacket around my waist just in case. With the cloudy afternoon the fishing should be great. Right off the bat I caught a couple small 6 to 8 inch browns. I headed to the next stretch and again, I catch an 8 inch brown. This is unusual, but it’s good to see these young ones in the river. These will be the ones I’m targeting in the next couple years. Finally I hook a nice 17 or 18 incher. It jumps and the hook comes loose. I fish that same stretch a few more minutes but only end up with another small one.

On my way to the next stretch, I see family of geese. It looks like the same family of geese I saw last week in the section a little further downstream. In the deeper section I catch another small brown but as I reach the top of the pool and cast into the shallow water right before the pool I hook a nice size brown. It shows off its aerobatics and then heads for the deep water. I allow it to fight the current in the deep water. I’m not worried about scaring fish in this hole because I have already fished it. I worked the fish back to the top of the pool and then allowed it to swim back downstream past the pool and into the shallow water where I was able to net it. It was a pretty fish, somewhat slim but a good 18 inches long.

At this time the lightning hits close by and it starts raining. I put my rain coat on intending to continue fishing. As another crack of lightning was heard I reconsidered. No need to be standing in the middle of the river waving a fishing pole during a thunderstorm.


  1. I'm glad you knew to come in from the lightening. It was a beautiful few minutes of fishing anyway.

  2. aw man too bad the weather report was wrong! at least you had good luck before it started :)
