Sunday, August 8, 2010

Loch Leven Brown vs German Brown

Last week I caught a brown that had no red spots. Instead it just had all black spots and was more silver in color than the usual brownish – yellowish color. I have noticed a few of these on the Weber River. They look distinctly different.

The German Browns that we usually catch have red spots with haloes around them. They are also slightly brown or yellow. The Loch Leven browns seem more silvery, not as yellowish brown and have no red spots.

As I arrived at the Weber River, I noticed there are now sign in stations where you put your name, license plate number, time, date, and how many fish you harvested. The stretch I was fishing this particular evening flowed through the Judd property. My wife’s maiden name is Judd. In Hoytsville there is an LDS church on Hoytsville Road at the Creamery Lane turnoff. It is a good landmark to know where to turn to get to the river. A few years ago my wife’s relatives had a Judd family reunion at this church house. Had I known at the time that I would be spending so much time on this river I would have tracked down the Judd’s who own this property and introduced myself.

There was quite a bit of insect activity this particular afternoon. I noticed caddis flies, mayflies and midges hatching. I tied on a couple of emerging caddis nymphs that I had bought last Saturday at cabelas. I immediately hooked a nice 17 inch brown that went air borne and I was off to a good start to the evening. After catching a couple of white fish I hooked the Loch Leven brown trout that I mentioned earlier. After this, the sky clouded over and the insect activity dwindled. I caught a small cutthroat and a few more white fish. My thought on this experience is that I should use nymphs while the insect activity is going strong but later in the evening when the hatches die down I should switch to streamers and target the big browns that come out as the sun sets.

Oh ya, there was a family of geese that watched me for a while as I fished. I love seeing the wildlife on these fishing excursions.


  1. wow- how interesting about the judds! crazy, small world. well hopefully some other family thing will come up so you can meet them. funny.
    that is also interesting that they are keeping track now of who is fishing and when and how many they are catching. huh- i wonder if they are just curious? or if they have to do that?

  2. Hi honey,
    I'm glad you tracked me down anyway. Love you,
