Thursday, September 24, 2009


Earlier this month (September 10th) I fished a new stretch on the Weber River. There were quite a few holes and deep water stretches that I was unaware of. It is exciting discovering new, productive stretches. I was fishing with a caddis emerger dropper and a bead head caddis nymph on the point fly. The first six fish I caught were trout, no white fish. This is quite unusual, but I enjoyed it. The trout included a large brown and a large cutthroat (about 17 inches). The cutthroat took me downstream through two other holes before landing him. Once again, I was glad I had a net. Then, the last three fish I caught were white fish. When I first arrived, the sky was cloudy and had actually rained on my drive up. By the time I caught the white fish, the sky was bright and sunny.

While changing out of my waders, a herd of sheep following the rancher on a tractor with feed came by. There were approximately 50 sheep and huddled together quite well with the larger, faster sheep eating from the tractor. They all followed right through the gate and into the corral with no stragglers, amazing. I went and talked to the rancher and thanked him for the nice show. I usually don’t see such entertainment while changing my waders. He said usually it doesn’t go so smooth. Most times the sheep go wondering off in different directions and he has to work to get all of them into the corral. The rancher’s friend and wife were helping with the sheep drive and credited the well behaved sheep on bringing the wife along.

Of course I asked the rancher if he ever fishes the Weber River. He said he didn’t but his brother had caught a 26 inch brown the previous year. There are big one’s in there.

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