Quite a few people have asked me where

the South Fork of the Snake River is located so I thought I’d explain. Most everyone is aware of the portion of the Snake River that flows through the Teton National Park in Wyoming. This is a beautiful, calm river with the Tetons as a backdrop. I have floated this section with the Boy Scouts. A little further downstream at Hoback Junction is where the Hoback River joins the Snake River. Right below this junction is where the white water rafting trips take place. I have white water rafted this section with family reunions and with Boy Scouts. The famous rapids are called Big Kahuna and Lunch Counter. A

picture of your raft is often taken at Lunch Counter Rapids that you can purchase on the internet. This part of the river flows into Palisades Reservoir at Alpine, Wyoming and is joined by the Salt and Grey’s Rivers.
After the river passes through the Palisades Reservoir which is on the Idaho/Wyoming border, the river is called the South Fork of the Snake River. The South

Fork is thus a tail-water fishery and joins the Henry’s Fork (a.k.a. the North Fork) 64 miles downstream near Rexburg and Rigby, Idaho. The South Fork flows through Swan Valley near the Conant put in by South Fork Anglers which is 15 miles below Palisades Dam. The Byington Boat Access is 25 miles downstream from Conant.
The South Fork is a large river with a water flow high

in the spring of around 20,000 cfs and a low in the fall of around 2,000 cfs. 10,000 cfs is more of a typical flow for mid-summer.
Directions: To get there from Salt Lake, you take I-15 to Idaho Falls. Then take exit 116 (Sunnyside Rd) or 118 (W. Broadway St.) going East. Pass over the Snake River and turn left (North-East) in about 1 mile on US-26 which takes you to Swan Valley (43 miles). I have learned that it is easier to stop for gas and lunch in Blackfoot than at exit 118 in Idaho Falls. Also taking exit 116 (Sunnyside Rd) to get to US-26 allows you to bypass downtown Idaho Falls. It is about a 4.5 hour drive unless you stop at Taco Bell in Blackfoot like I always do and then plan on 5 or 5.5 hours.
hey good job! nice pics! is the pic of everyone boating from a fam reunion or from boy scouts?
ReplyDeleteThe picture is from a high adventure outing with the Varsity Boy Scouts. Can you tell which one in the raft is me?