We would pull over and fish places that had

shallow water next to deep water or fast water next to slow. These are called seams and fishing along these seams can really improve your catch rate. Fish will feed along the shallow water where food is more prevalent but still have the comfort of knowing there is deep water nearby for escape to safety.
Where fast water meets slow water, fish can escape

fighting the fast current by hanging in the slower water while at the same time feeding on the insects drifting by in the faster water. Insects get swept off rocks and plants in the fast water and fish take advantage of that by lying near that seam.
Fast water also gets oxygenated making it more comfortable for the fish. If you can find a spot where fish

can hide-out right where the water turns deep directly downstream from fast water this is ideal. The fish have well oxygenated water, the safety of the nearby deep water and fast water washing the insects from the shallow rocks. The broken surface also makes the fish feel unseen and therefore more secure. As the river turns or where there are islands, there are usually good seams.
While floating the river, we would keep an eye out for

these types of seams and spend a half hour or so at each.
good trick! nice pictures:) too bad you can't put your disneyland trip on here!