While my kids were young I used to take

them camping each year on the Green River below Flaming Gorge. I would take Karen and Madison for a couple of days and then take David and Garrison on a separate trip. We would rent a raft from Flaming Gorge Lodge and camp at Dripping Springs, a public camping spot along the road to Big Hole. Sometimes we would hike down to the first camping spot along the B section. Floating the river in the raft we would stop along promising looking sections to

fish. Right below Mother-in-Law Rapids would always be a favorite spot where we would catch a lot. While camping, we would usually roast hot dogs and marshmallows. With the boys, we would pee off the cliffs and the usual things that boys will do.
Fishing always seemed pretty good, although the weather is quite hot in the summers. To combat the heat,

I would always take the kids to the lodge to buy huge ice cream cones.
So on one particular trip on the way home, I asked the boys what their favorite part of the trip was. Gary immediately blurts out – stopping at the 7-11 for candy as we left. OK, I spend three
days with the boys rafting down the river, fishing and camping out. Their favorite part of the trip was in the first ten minutes – stopping at the store?

This was the time that Gary caught me. It was exactly like the movies. Someone in the movie always catches a big rock or something stupid and yells "I got a big one!!!" Well, Gary, being about six or seven casted way down stream and caught somehting. I felt somehting pulling on my vest and heard Gary yell "Dad, I got a big one!!!" He kept tugging really hard so I finally yelled "You caught me!!! Stop Pulling so I can get it out of my vest!!' He looked up and sure enough, he had caught me. He loved seven eleven, but we both also loved this random store we would stop by on the way home. I have no idea where it was or anything, but we would always stop there to eat dinner. We would get these hot burritos and hot dogs. Dad would always buy us a pack of bubble gum and we would chew two pieces at once and see how big of bubbles we could blow. Those were great trips.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great dad you are, Howard! And so typical that the part kids love the best is the 7-11! I thought for sure he was going to say peeing off the cliff and "other things that boys do" which I am sure I do not want specifics!
ReplyDeleteFunny! Cute pictures of the kids!!