Thursday, November 11, 2010

Warm Weather in November

 Paul called and said the weather was too nice to resist riding his Harley up to the Weber River. I met him on the river after work. The water was still a little murky. I started off using some caddis nymphs fishing my way downstream. I caught a medium size white fish and hooked another brown that got off as he jumped. There were small Baetis mayflies (blue-winged olives) coming off the water so I switched to two different styles of mayfly nymphs. I headed back upstream to catch up with Paul. On the way I managed to catch a large white fish. It uncharacteristically sat still on the bank while I took the hook out of its mouth and it let me take a couple of pictures. After Paul came over and took a look at the fish I gently nudged it with my foot and it swam back into the flow of water.

I kept fishing upstream and caught a nice brown that jumped five times during the fight. It ended up being about 15 inches long. I got a throat sample of what it had been eating, small black Baetis nymphs – just like the nymph imitations I was using.

By this time the sun had slipped behind the mountains. Paul was going to head back before it got too cold so he could enjoy the motorcycle ride home. I switched fly rods and began fishing with streamers. I had about an hour to fish before it got dark. I fished upstream starting with a green streamer, the Dungeon again. After 20 minutes I switched to a grey rabbit strip streamer. After another 20 minutes I switched to a black one. In the course of the hour I only hooked one small brown that threw the hook on its first jump.


  1. The white fish was just trying to act like a brown so you could enjoy the evening. I'm glad it was such pretty weather.

  2. Sure sounds fun. The weather has been great here too. I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy it. Bummer about the lack of streamer action though.
