Saturday, January 2, 2010

Back Exercises

Ten years ago I was having lower back pain when I would stay in bed longer than four or five hours. This was quite unusual and so I went in for a physical. The doctor didn’t find anything wrong but subscribed some back exercises. I thought this was totally crazy and didn’t think it would help at all. I tried them anyway. Sure enough, after a few days my back started feeling better, even when I stayed in bed my normal seven to eight hours. I was amazed. I never thought exercise would cure something like this. I have done these back exercises four or five times per week ever since. Here are the exercises:
1) Single knee to chest stretch: Lie on your back. Bring one knee toward your chest. Clasp hands around the knee and bring it firmly toward your chest. At the same time, keep the other leg straight. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat with other leg. Repeat this process 3 to 5 times.

2) Pelvic lift: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift your buttocks off the floor as far as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

3) Pelvic Tilt: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Push your lower back flat against the floor by rocking your pelvis backward and tightening your abdomen and buttocks muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

4) Lumbar rotation: Lie on your back. While keeping your shoulders flat on the ground, bend one knee and cross it over the opposite leg until you feel a stretch in the hip and low back. Repeat with other leg. Repeat this process 3 to 5 times.


  1. cool. so... ten years ago... were you here then??

  2. Wow!! Guess what. You are ten years older than me and just recently my back started hurting me in the early morning before I wake. Thank you for the post of information. I will give it a try. ...Anything else I need to know about that might happen in to me in the next ten years? Ha ha
